Sunday, September 21, 2008

Do You Want Sarah Palin Answering That 3am Call?

Who does McCain think he's kidding by choosing Palin - a relative unknown Republican female - as his running mate? He must think that women voted for Hillary Clinton simply because she's a woman! Palin even SAID they were reaching out to the women who voted for Hillary - WAIT - What? "Hello, Sarah, we are DEMOCRATS, not just women voting for a woman!"

At LEAST, if Hillary were to have HER husband in the same room during her official meetings, it would be a BONUS because he DOES have the appropriate skill set to be a guide. :) What official credentials does Palin's husband have to sit in on official government meetings?! Come on! Alaska's "first dude" as he likes to call himself, doesn't even have a college education! And, why is he even ALLOWED to attend these meetings, with or without credentials? What? Is Palin going to hand the phone to her husband when/if that 3 am call should come in?

Let's face it, McCain's hearing probably isn't good enough for him to HEAR a phone ringing at 3am, so you know it'll be Palin answering THAT call.

No, I don't think so, McCain.

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