Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Me, a Soccer Mom? EEK!

<sigh> I have become … a soccer mom. Now, please don’t be offended if you are, in fact, a soccer mom, too. But… I swore to myself that I personally would never become one. I love my soccer-playing preschool daughter more than life itself: she’s the epitome of cute and adorable, loving and fun. She talks from morning until night… um, kind of like her mom. :-D Being a mom is the most fascinating, wonderful, and fulfilling experience I have ever had – far better than I ever imagined, too. And, I had plenty of time to imagine being a mom... yet, I never once imagined being or wanted to be a soccer mom.

Let me explain… I’ve watched fascinated as some of my female friends from long ago (HS maybe?) have gone from svelte, fun-loving, high-heeled-wearin’, Madonna-dancin’ chicks with French-manicured nails to: drive-through fries chompin’, minivan-drivin’, Longaberger-party-hosting, Vera Bradley quilt-y purse carryin’, Curves-lovin’ women who are on any given day trying to lose 50 lbs., find their minivan keys, coordinate a playdate with the soccer team or the Girl Scout troop, rekindle the romance they once had with their now-greying/balding husband of xx years, and did I say lose 50 lbs.? :)

Don't get me wrong... not all of my BFF's fall into my vision of Soccer Mom! And, I LOVE Vera Bradley bags... they remind me of beautiful scrapbook pages and I love scrapbooking... I have a membership to a local Bally's, but am part of the statistic of non-attending members. Oh, and Longaberger baskets... yes, I have a few - expensive, but well worth the price for the craftsmanship!

I never wanted to gain the 50 lbs. apparently necessary to become a soccer mom. But, then … I did. Unwittingly, I gained entry into the Soccer Mom Hall of Fame, sans the requisite minivan. I resolutely refuse to trade in my 4-door automobile for any type of minivan; I don’t care how much more Stuff I can tote in a minivan or how nifty the rear seats are. No way. Not even with a built-in GPS system and a DVD/Playstation combo. I resolutely draw the line at The Minivan. ;-)

Then again, the day I registered my child to actually play soccer, I met the *new and improved* Soccer Mom - she was 20 years younger than I, and a beautiful, svelte, high-heeled wearing (and ON the soccer field - imagine that!) chick who looked like she might not even know who Madonna is, much less listen to her music (from the "oldies").

Maybe I *should* break out the Bally's card and become the New and Improved Soccer Mom! "Honey... let's go to the car dealership and check out those new minivans, shall we?"